Free Digital Skills Training from Microsoft

The last few years have seen a seismic shift in working practices for both employers and employees. For some, this has included an unparalleled acceleration in digital transformation and the adoption of new tools and processes.

The speed at which the world has had to adopt has meant that, for many, training is still playing catch-up and a user’s ability to get the very best out of the Microsoft tools on their desktop is not at the level it should be. This impacts productivity and collaboration across the board which can, and will, adversely impact the experience of your customers. The new shift to hybrid working shines a light on the importance of balance and making sure everybody works collaboratively and effectively in a way that suits the needs of the individual and employer.

So, you’ve got a load of new tools at your disposal or perhaps you’ve had them a while and want to ensure you’re getting the most out of them…. Internally your organisation may have resources available to you, but I’d like to use this posting to highlight some excellent free training from Microsoft that you might wish to access too.

Virtual workshops and training

Did you know that Microsoft offer a range of free to attend, virtual live training events offered to students/families and business/professionals? Sessions are delivered via Teams Live Events so cameras and microphones are off (handy for those embarrassing questions) with questions being answered via a Q&A window. Dialling in is simple and can be done via Teams or via a web browser. This Microsoft training covers the likes of Microsoft Word, Forms, Outlook, Excel, SharePoint, OneDrive, OneNote, Planner, BI and more. For those needing Microsoft Teams training then there are sessions on Teams Meetings, Webinars, Channels and a whole lot more.

Students and Families

There is an excellent selection of workshops that encourage learning and nurture digital skills. Check back in the school holidays where the team run additional workshops that include coding workshops, interactive tours and more.

Access the Student and Family site HERE

Business and Professionals

There is an amazing selection of training available for those looking to build up their skills across a range of subjects. Perhaps you want to learn how Microsoft Teams can help you connect in a hybrid working environment or maybe you’re an aspiring Data Analyst and want to learn how to better analyse business data with visualisations using Microsoft Power BI? Struggling with Pivot Tables in Excel? Check out the Advanced Features of Microsoft Excel session which covers a number of notable functions, cell formatting, pivot tables and more.

Access the Business and Professionals site HERE

I’d encourage you to have a look through these excellent resources and check back often as the catalogue is continuously updated. Don’t forget to check out some of the other Microsoft sites which include additional learning material across the M365 suite HERE.

Links mentioned in this blog:

Microsoft Virtual Training for Students:

Microsoft Virtual Training for Business and Professionals:

Microsoft Office Help & Training:

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